Past USPTs: Solution Database

USPT participants put time and thought into creating exciting and insightful understandings of physical phenomena. Whether you’re looking for examples of solutions or interested in how other teams solved a specific problem, we’re glad you’re here!

You can find international solutions and problems for previous years at

2020 USPT

  1. Nuclear Mousetraps
  2. Pop-Pop Away: UC Berkeley, Shantanu Kadam & Shirley Yu
  3. Dirty Racing
  4. Hydraulic Jump White Hole: UC Berkeley, Bingxu Meng & Vivian Gao
  5. Distant Thunder
  6. The Finger of Death
  7. Vegetable Electricity
  8. Heavy Parachute
  9. Solar Retraction Motor
  10. Rolling Pasta
  11. The Spinning Washer: UC Berkeley, Siddhant Mal & Bingxu Meng
  12. Metallic Forest: UW Seattle, Liam Bonds (recording)
  13. Branching Light
  14. Ice Clock: UC Berkeley, Shantanu Kadam & Vivian Gao (recording)
  15. Burning Bottle Cutter
  16. Graphite Lamp: UW Seattle, Adit Jain & Gonzalo Ferrandez
  17. Quantum Drop Analogy: UC Berkeley, Miguel Ceja & Siddhant Mal (recording)

2019 USPT

  1. Cumulative Cannon: UC Berkeley, Brandon Abrego & Erika Hathaway
  2. Precious Energy
  3. Paper Tube
  4. Electrostatic Copier
  5. Whirlpool in a Bottle: UC Berkeley, Erika Hathaway & Shantanu Kadam
  6. Planetary Clock
  7. Wavy Pages
  8. Rippled Water Columns
  9. Optical Compass: UC Berkeley, Siddhant Mal & Shantanu Kadam
  10. Hail
  11. Flat Fog
  12. Resonating Glasses: UC Berkeley, Siddhant Mal & Erika Hathaway
  13. Pickle Night Light: UC Berkeley, Siddhant Mehrotra & Miguel Ceja
  14. Jumping Bean
  15. Wobbly Vortex Rings
  16. Little Soldiers
  17. Quantum Gram